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Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Product Name: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

Price: $39.95

Product Author:  Tom Venuto

Product Type: PDF 

Official Website:

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is written by certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and personal trainer Tom Venuto. (For more info on Tom, check out the official website.)
It is one of the best-selling e-books on weight loss and muscle gain in the history of the internet, and there are some good reasons why that is.

Goals Of The Program Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (let's call it BFFM for short) accurately describes itself as a "fat loss bible." It's not for the faint of heart: it is jam packed with a shocking 340 pages of health and fitness information related to the science of food intake, exercise, and muscle building.
The great thing about BFFM is that it's aimed at burning just the fat while preserving muscle, water, and lean tissue. When people have a dramatic loss of weight at the beginning of a diet it's usually attributed to water loss, as well as fat and lean tissue. BFFM's goal is to reduce the lean tissue loss and produce real fat loss.
Although written by a bodybuilder, BFFM isn't a book about bulking up and getting huge. This is a program for everyone: men, women, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and avid readers who just want to learn more about health and fitness.

Positives Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

BFFM is dedicated to providing superior knowledge to readers about each element of successful, health, and permanent fat loss. You'll find some great myth-busting facts in this book, as well as superb information about the how's and why's of fat loss.
BFFM is not a "diet." It doesn't restrict you to only eating protein, or cutting out carbs. BFFM arms you with the ability and knowledge to easily determine your own personal ideal intake of protein, carbs, and fats.
Rather interesting is the information on determining your body type, your Basal Metabolic Rate (base calories burned each day), and whether or not you are carb tolerant or intolerant.
Another great part of this book is the chapter on setting goals. Honestly, it might be worth the price of the book alone. Basically what it describes is that the ultimate secret to burning fat and getting in shape really has nothing to do with diets, training programs, or gimmicks.

Negatives Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Let me put it to you this way: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is not for the faint of heart. This is one hefty book with a LOT of information. As mentioned above, it's 340 pages of pure content. It might be a bit overwhelming for some. If you're just looking to drop some pounds and don't want to get into the science of a complex personal fitness plan, it might not be for you.
That's not to say the program isn't good-it's just that I don't want you to suddenly find yourself in the "paralysis by analysis" mode where you don't take action because it's just too much for you at this time. I'm just being honest here. It's a great program but perhaps it's not for everyone.

Does Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Work? The Bottom Line Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

If you're someone who really wants to commit to becoming the healthiest, most fit you can possibly be, this program might just be what you're looking for. Some people really dig into this kind of information and it's these people that BFFM will benefit the most. BFFM isn't a "quick fix" program that focuses on shedding pounds rapidly. It's more of an overall health compendium aimed at the most effective long-term plan for the healthiest weight loss you can achieve.
Remember: you must commit yourself to the program. If you do so you WILL lose weight and become leaner, more muscular, and healthier. It's a total lifestyle overhaul, and the benefits are tremendous.
Rather than copying everything here, I encourage you to read the testimonials at the website for proof that this program produces results.
In closing, I wholeheartedly recommend this program even if you just want to skim it for information. It's a great companion to other fitness programs because of the sheer volume of quality information about how weight loss really works.

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